I resided at the above described property on January 1 of the year for which this application is made and declare this to be my legal domicile. The County Recorder is responsible for maintaining a complete, accurate and permanent record of real estate documents such as deeds, mortgages and easements.In real estate transactions, a trust deed transfers the legal title of a property to a third party until the borrower repays their debt to the lender. This document establishes a deed of trust for a charitable organization focused on alternative medicine and acupuncture. During the time when a vacancy is yet to be filled up, the remaining. Trustees shall act as "Full Board", subject to the presence of Quorum in the meetings. I'm just going to take you through the exact process of how to fill out a deed of trust exactly and you can see what I mean it's very straight forward. Kei te rere ngā mihi maioha ki te iwi kainga ki a Rangitāne o Manawatū i runga i te ahua o te mahitahi me te Kaunihera o Papaioea, te whai ngā. Under the trust deed.