Use our online calculator to determine the correct State Deed Tax (SDT) amount (the tax is . Approval of certain Torrens documents for filing.Certain Torrens documents require examiner's approval before filing with the registrar of titles. Information about Minnesota deed law, including quitclaim deed form, special warranty deed form, TOD deed form, and warranty deed form. You will likely just need to record an affidavit, but you may have to file additional documents if you have Torrens property. It is often possible for a trust owner to create a quitclaim deed without the help of an attorney. The most popular type of trust is the revocable living trust, which allows the settlor to make changes to the trust during his or her lifetime. Below is an overview of the probate process in Minnesota District Court. Forms are required to be filed in the county where the property is located. If for some reason you want to use a TOD deed instead, you'll probably need to transfer the property out of the trust first.