The most important document to file with the county recorder's office is the deed to your property. In real estate transactions, a trust deed transfers the legal title of a property to a third party until the borrower repays their debt to the lender.Definitions for Forms of Ownership. As a property or homeowner, your deed defines the form of ownership and how the title for the property changes. Under a land trust agreement, the beneficiary retains complete control of the real estate in the same manner as if the recorded title were in his or her name. Illinois deed forms include quitclaim deed form, special warranty deed form, warranty deed form, and TOD deed form. The Cook County Clerk's Office has assumed all operations and duties of the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office and that office no longer exists. For a complete list continue to MyDec at MyTax Illinois. The primary method for transferring Illinois real estate is for the current owner to create and record a deed. A tax lien against a party; Division of property amongst heirs without full cooperation.