You can search for property records and property ownership information online, in person, or over the phone with a 311 representative. Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS).Record or search deeds, mortgages and other property records of Westchester County. The Judgment Docket and Lien Section of the County Clerk of New York County is located in Room 109B in the basement at 60 Centre Street (646-386-5940). Deeds should be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of the county in which the real property being transferred is located. Your deed must be accompanied with the following completed forms. Regular filings in the Clerks' Offices include deeds, mortgages, early marriage returns (1795-1878), tavern licenses, etc. Accessing Public Records: (732) 929-2053. Can I view recorded documents online? How do I subscribe to the online system?