TRUST DEED FOR ESTABLISHING AND RUNNING A SCHOOL OR COLLEGE - Free download as (. 05000 मुद्रा शुल्क एवं रू 2440 निबंधन तथा अन्य शुल्क का भुगतान किया गया । दस्तावेज ग्राहय पाया गया.सुम इसका निष्पादन स्वीकार किया उनके तथा उनके पहचानकर्ता के नाम, फोटो, अंगुलियों के. This document establishes the Smt. To provide facilities for students to gain international exposure in education. Institutions and groups which already provide such training,. By and under the said Deed of Trust the Trustees have set up a school for inculcating knowledge and education to the students. A school is registered under trust and wants to make an agreement with a company. Roychowdhury, Pinaki Roychowdhury. Roychowdhury (therein described as the Trustees of the Other.