Deeds can be viewed for free online through You must create an account with the Maryland State Archives to view deeds on deed of trust is recorded at the Maryland county land records office, and your lender will keep the original signed deed of trust from closing. For Deeds and Deeds of Trust to be recorded in Maryland, several steps and sometimes several stops are necessary to get to record in the clerk's office. The mortgage or the deed of trust, with the endorsed release, then shall be filed in the office in which the mortgage or deed of trust is recorded. The mortgage or the deed of trust, with the endorsed release, then shall be filed in the office in which the mortgage or deed of trust is recorded. Releases of Mortgage, Deeds of Trust, etc. The deed must have a Certification of Preparation. The website MdLandRec. Put another way, once the Deed of Trust shows up in Land Records, the mortgage loan must be paid off before the property can be sold.