Utilize our Trust Amendment form to implement modifications to a Revocable Living Trust. Articles and blog posts continue to promote revocable living trusts as great estate planning tools to avoid probate and take care of your family.A deed is a written and signed legal document that transfers property ownership. A Maryland deed of trust is a type of deed that conveys a mortgage interest in a property to a bank. This is filed with the Land Records department. The court can modify a trust when there is clear evidence of a mistake in the trust. First, you'll need to prepare and sign a new deed for the property. You'll usually need a grant form or quit claim form to transfer the deed. For Deeds and Deeds of Trust to be recorded in Maryland, several steps and sometimes several stops are necessary to get to record in the clerk's office. "You'll need to file a quit claim deed and a change of ownership form that transfers title from your name to the trust," said Banuelos.