You, the employee, and your family member's health care provider must fill out this form about your family member's serious health condition. Complete this affidavit and bring to an RMV Service Center with Certificate of Title and other required documents.A. Vehicle Information. How do I fill this out? I need to fill out and send a wage correction form, along with any pay stubs and my W-2. Before mailing in your Form PC - Annual Report, please be sure that all of the steps listed below have been completed. To fill out the Massachusetts RMV-1 Application Form, gather all necessary information about your vehicle and personal details. Apply at a Post Office: Complete pages 3 and 4 and take this whole form to a Post Office most convenient for you. Employees must complete Form M4 upon starting a new job or whenever there is a change in their tax situation. Use our Form Filler to fill out your form online and print it.