The County Recorder's Office is responsible for the recording, protecting, preserving and disseminating of official records. Learn how to modify a trust in Miami according to Florida law 736.04113.Trust changes can be made through rewrites, small updates, or word fixes. A short sale requires not only a buyer and a seller, but ALL of the lien holder(s) accepting the terms of the transaction. These documents must be served on the other party within 45 days of service of the initial petition or supplemental petition for modification on the respondent. Documentary stamp tax is an excise tax imposed on certain documents executed, delivered, or recorded in Florida. Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first document filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases, probate, or family cases). This article discusses the typical modifications of a note and reviews the use of a note modification agreement and the modification of note forms. Do you have questions about titling or deeds? Our real estate attorney can answer your questions and help protect your real estate interests.