1.5 Cross-Collateral and Future Advances. Advance clause is a part of a contract that allows for additional loans to be made in the future, even if the lender is not obligated to do so.The important feature is that the mortgage secures frequent and routine future advances to be added to the loan balance. This 2024 edition of the Practice Book contains amendments to the. Rules of Professional Conduct, the Superior Court Rules and the Rules of Appellate Procedure. AN ACT concerning trusts, supplementing Title 3B of the New. 1. Jersey Statutes, enacting additional chapter 31, Uniform Trust. A future advance is a clause in a mortgage that provides for additional availability of funds under the loan contract without requiring another loan. All vehicles whose prime purpose is to sell, store, maintain and repair goods shall be prohibited in the municipality. Restricted residential SCOs in the soil fill that pose a potential risk to construction workers and future residents (see Table 1).