On a blank sheet of paper, give the document a title of "Amendment. If you want to make changes to your Minnesota trust, you have two choices: a Trust Amendment or a Trust Restatement.A living trust is a trust made while the person establishing the trust is still alive. If you need help completing your amended return, call 651-556-3075. 5. There has been no amendment to the Trust which limits the power of Trustee(s) to execute and deliver the instrument described in paragraph 3. "You'll need to file a quit claim deed and a change of ownership form that transfers title from your name to the trust," said Banuelos. The filed TODD with the latest date is the one that is valid. You can give all or part of your interest in the property to someone else through a standard deed. If you hold real estate in a trust, you probably won't need to use a TOD deed, because trust property doesn't need to go through probate anyway. Using Charitable Trusts for Philanthropy.