Title Insurance real estate forms archive containing over 300 forms in MS Word and Adobe acrobat format. Property Document Forms AB1466 - Restrictive Covenant Modification Policy and Cover Page Assessor Department - Preliminary Change of Ownership Report Form.All legal forms are in word format, unless otherwise indicated. If you receive a Change of Ownership Statement (COS) in the mail, you must complete and return it to the Assessor Department within 90 days to avoid penalties. We've updated our Deeds, Contract and Affidavit forms with cleaner designs and added functions. Now you can complete the forms online, save and download. Use the easy-to-follow guide to fill out the forms online. Forms The Superior Court of Orange County offers several options to assist the public in completing court forms: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, fill out, or print them. Board of Aldermen approve the minor modification to the Ballentine Architecturally.