Please consult an attorney or legal advisor for this type of information. Documents may be recorded in 3 ways: In person at one of the Pima County Recorder's Offices: Main Downtown Office (Map) 240 N Stone Avenue Tucson AZ 85701Arizona offers two ways to accomplish this: a quit claim deed or a warranty deed. Pima County Recorder – Eastside Office. Changing your name is a relatively simple procedure that can usually be done without a lawyer. One of the services offered at Arizona Statewide Paralegal is the filing of a quit claim deed or warranty deed in order to add someone to the title of a house. The cost for a name change depends on what county you are in. The recorder's office is responsible for maintaining real property documents. You are responsible for consulting with your academic and financial aid advisor prior to requesting a change to your program of study. The deed will need to contain the complete legal description of the parcel you wish to convey.