The important feature is that the mortgage secures frequent and routine future advances to be added to the loan balance. Advance clause is a part of a contract that allows for additional loans to be made in the future, even if the lender is not obligated to do so.Arizona courts have long recognized that a trust deed or mortgage given to secure an indebtedness may include advances to be made in the future. The farm bill is an omnibus, multiyear law that governs an array of agricultural and food programs. Provision for a Bureau of Land Management in the Department of the Interior and for the structure of such Bureau is contained in section 403 of the 1946 Reorg. 005683 USC 4101 note. Omnibus Indian. Advancement. Act. Dec. 42. American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform. 4001. 43. Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination. 4101. Arizona courts have long recognized that a trust deed or mortgage given to secure an indebtedness may include advances to be made in the future.