We have compiled a list of recording resources where constituents may be able to find forms or receive guidance on selecting and completing documents to record. A quitclaim deed transfers whatever ownership interest you have in the property.It makes no guarantees about the extent of your interest. The mortgage lender sells at auction the property that secures a loan on which a borrower has defaulted. The Court concludes that a purchase money deed of trust against real property has priority over an earlier recorded restitution lien. The Arizona Court of Appeals (Division 2) recently issued an opinion regarding the extent to which parties must be noticed in a tax lien foreclosure action. July 16, 1946, 11 F.R. 7875, 60 Stat. 1097, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. Laws 1912, Chapter 23 created the Arizona State Tax Commission to supervise the County Assessors in determining property valuations. The tribe makes their code available online.