You can search for property records and property ownership information online, in person, or over the phone with a 311 representative. Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS).A Notice of Pendency must have block and lot numbers, a description of property and it must direct the county clerk to index the notice. Use the downloadable, barcoded PDF document for transfers of Real Property located in all counties except: Herkimer County and the boroughs of New York City. Check (✓) all of the conditions that apply and fill out the appropriate schedules of this return. Hall of Records, Manh'n, N.Y.7. Initially notarizing for mortgage clients, I found myself immersed in a world where trust and precision were paramount. Id like to get a copy of the Deed that created the Trust that owns this property: 7107 Vleigh Pl, Flushing, Ny 11367 - It lies between Manhattan Island to the west, and the borough of Queens, on Long Island, to the east. Welcome to Deaf Man Vinyl's record cleaning masterclass.