If a grantee fails to record, and another deed or any other document encumbering or affecting the title is recorded, the first grantee is in jeopardy. Owner Alert is a free real estate fraud notification service from our office that sends an immediate email notification to subscribed property owners.Many Department of Environmental Health and Quality (DEHQ) files are available for public review at our office. Use the templates on this webpage to quickly access commonly used forms and documents related to construction and development projects in the City of San Diego. This Settlement Agreement, dated as of December 9, 2022 (the "Agreement"), sets forth the. Animal Welfare Inspection Guide. Hospitals are required to be in compliance with the Federal requirements set forth in the. Records search, there are no previously listed historical resources in the study area. The 1977 amendments, PL 95-217, further amended PL 92-500. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO, California, Chair.