The county recorder's office is the place of record for publicly filing official documents, usually related to property. Once completed, note the SST number and come into our office to finish the process.To request copies of recorded real property documents, please include the book and page or document number. Prepare a "Trust Transfer Deed" and "Preliminary Change of Ownership Report" to transfer to revocable living trust check recorder's site. Click on the link above to search our property records online. Boone County's website allows records to be searched online for Real Estate, Marriage, Uniform Commercial Code, and Tax Liens databases. RECORDING FEES (new fees effective January 1, 2024). The Recorder of Deeds Division maintains land records of real estate located in Lehigh County and carries out the following: Maintain certain business records in the English language which accurately reflect the business conducted. Senior Student Academic Success Specialist (3 Positions).