Once completed, note the SST number and come into our office to finish the process. Have you recently noticed an error on a deed that needs correction?Access and download commonly used forms here for customization and use. The law says that if all beneficiaries consent, they can petition the Court to change or end the trust. Record the Deed: Submit the notarized deed to the Santa Clara County Recorder's Office along with a PCOR. On this page below is a list of LOCAL forms that can be completed online and then printed. The form you need may be in this list. You must have the correct deed type, fill it out accurately, have it notarized and record with the relevant county recorder's office. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. If your deed has been signed and recorded, you will need to complete a Correction Deed or a Scrivener's Affidavit to correct the error.