Correct or amend vital records. Information on how to correct existing birth, death, and non-confidential marriage records.The California Department of Public Health is dedicated to optimizing the health and wellbeing of Californians. Once completed, note the SST number and come into our office to finish the process. After I get the court order, what do I submit to amend my birth certificate? Place the filled out SCD 58 forms according to the "DEBS-In County Vital Statistics Request Control Log –FY202_" and number each page on the top left corner. Item 11: Briefly state the reason for the correction. Complete Form VS 24: You mentioned form VS 24, which is the Application to Amend a California Birth Record. Once the registrar receives the registration, the Santa Clara County registrar will send you a supplemental name report form to complete. You'll need to complete and submit the application to the County of Santa Clara to have a copy mailed to you.