Find the deed on the maricopa county recorder's office. The recording number the link you click to view the document.I'm just going to take you through the exact process of how to fill out a deed of trust exactly and you can see what I mean it's very straight forward. A trust deed is always used together with a promissory note (also called "prom note") that sets out the amount and terms of the loan. The Travis County Clerk's Recording Division files, records, and maintains Real Property Records, Personal Property Records, Notice of Trustee Sales. While the buyer is paying off the home, the lender will keep the promissory note, whereas the buyer only keeps a copy for their records. A Deed of Trust is rarely used without a Promissory Note. A promissory note is one of the two documents needed for a Real Estate Loan. Some states allow both mortgages and deeds of trust. A main difference is that a mortgage foreclosure proceeding needs to go through the courts.