The Travis County Clerk's Recording Division files, records, and maintains Real Property Records, Personal Property Records, Notice of Trustee Sales. I'm just going to take you through the exact process of how to fill out a deed of trust exactly and you can see what I mean it's very straight forward.Recorded copies of deeds of trust used as mortgages or liens on real estate or improvements to real estate from May 1943 to June 1944. After completing payments on the promissory note connected to a deed of trust, the lender completes this release of lien form. In order to transfer a deed after the death of an owner in Texas, the deceased property owner's name must be removed from the house title. Fill in the blank Affidavit of Lien form formatted to comply with all Texas recording and content requirements. You may list alternate beneficiaries, who would get the property if your spouse is deceased at the time of your death, but it is not required. Be properly recorded during the owner's lifetime in the deed records in the county where the property is located.