I'm just going to take you through the exact process of how to fill out a deed of trust exactly and you can see what I mean it's very straight forward. How to fill out the Appointment of Successor Trustee Trust Deed Form?Additional Requirements. To sell, convey, grant options to purchase, lease, mortgage, transfer, exchange or otherwise dispose of for any purposes and at any time prior to making final. In the case of a testamentary trust, for example, the trust instrument is the decedent's will. Question: Can Treasury securities be registered in trust form? The signatory must be duly authorised to sign on behalf of the Trustees and the Solicitor. I, the settlor, declare I do not wish to receive any terminal illness benefit payable under the policy and therefore do not include it in the retained benefit. IMPORTANT NOTES - before completing the Discretionary Trust deed, please read the following notes. Fill in form IHT100 when the trust needs to pay Inheritance Tax.