55.1-339. Release of deed of trust or other lien. A. As used in this section: "Deed of trust" means any mortgage, deed of trust, or vendor's lien.In real estate transactions, a trust deed transfers the legal title of a property to a third party until the borrower repays their debt to the lender. Clerks are required to verify the record created in the office from the original document or an exact paper copy until the verification process is complete. 3. Open Air Preservation assessed on deeds and deeds of trust where Va. Outdoors Foundation holds open space easements. 423. 10. Lien on Property. In commercial loans in VA, our state is a deed of trust state. A memorandum of Chesapeake Lease was recorded on April 29, 1996 at Book 3353, Page 526, in the real property records of Chesapeake, Virginia.