Some states don't use mortgages in home sales. Instead, they use deeds of trust, in which a third party holds the title and can foreclose.Most mortgage holders have a form you fill out and submit before changing the title between the individual owners and their revocable trust. I'm just going to take you through the exact process of how to fill out a deed of trust exactly and you can see what I mean it's very straight forward. The short answer: Yes. While the SFR Investments holding was particularly unfavorable to mortgage lenders, the Court left many issues unresolved. The deed to a multimillion dollar home in Raleigh, North Carolina was swiped out from under the nose of the home's owner. The Register of Deeds approved the deed transfer to Dawn Mangum Trust. If I transfer title to real property to my Living Trust can the bank accelerate my mortgage? Then you open escrow and they will get a Title company to record the house onto the title.