The Register of Deeds office contains grantor, grantee and land record indexes dating back to the original land patents. Our site allows all users to view the document's general information online for free.Close submenu ( Property Tax Information) Property Tax Information. Property deeds are legal documents used to transfer the ownership of a property from a seller to a buyer. Enter the complete name, address, and phone number of all of the grantors and grantees. Please also remember that all seller's and their spouses must sign the Deed. The Wayne County Register of Deeds is pleased to offer online access to our Indexing System. NOTE. This brochure was originally produced through a research contract from the California Department of Real. Estate. Provide instructions on drafting or completing forms; answer questions about the legal consequences of instruments filed. If the borrower does not make the loan current, the property is put up for auction through a trustee's sale.