The key difference between a warranty deed vs. Quitclaim deed is the level of protection offered.Warranty deeds are the safer option when buying property versus simply transferring ownership. Most buyers will want this option. Quit Claim Deeds are used when the transfer of ownership in the property does not occur as the result of a traditional sale. In a quitclaim deed, there are no guarantees or warranties to prove the grantor actually owns the property listed in the deed. Fill in the blank Quitclaim Deed form formatted to comply with all New York recording and content requirements. Where quitclaim deeds provide limited security, warranty deeds offer full legal protection to grantees – or buyers – after a property changes hands. A quitclaim deed is a document that transfers whatever interest the grantor has in the property to the recipient. Unlike other deeds, such as warranty deeds, a Quit Claim Deed makes no guarantees about the property's title.