The General Warranty Deed is the most common deed used in the sale of residential properties. A Special Warranty Deed transfers limited warranty of title to the grantee.Warranty deeds "warrant" (or guarantee) title to property, thus they must meet specific legal requirements in Florida. The Office of the Property Appraiser reviews all ownership changes, properly recorded in the Clerk of Courts Recorder's Office. A warranty deed in Florida transfers ownership of real estate with full warranty of title. A Florida Warranty Deed "warrants"—or guarantees—title to property. The main difference between a warranty deed and a special warranty deed is that the former provides all covenants of title. The grant deed does not offer as much protection as a warranty deed. Grant deeds are considered better than quitclaim deeds , but less desirable than general warranty deeds . General warranty deeds are hailed as the best property deeds out there.