Unlike a warranty deed, which provides guarantees about the property's title, a quit claim deed makes no warranties or guarantees. A quit claim deed is a simpler and lower cost conveyance often used when a property transfers ownership without being sold.Also called a non-warranty deed, a quitclaim deed conveys whatever interest the grantor currently has in the property, if any. The minimum Deed Tax is due on the recording of a quit claim deed given for the purpose of correcting an error or omission in an original deed. A quitclaim deed is named as such because it means that the owner is leaving behind their claim on the property. Section 507.07 - WARRANTY AND QUITCLAIM DEEDS. Warranty and quitclaim deeds may be substantially in the following forms: WARRANTY DEED. Warranty and quitclaim deeds may be substantially in the following forms:. Instead, quitclaim deeds are used when there is a property transfer outside of a real estate sale. Minnesota quitclaim deeds include no warranty and therefore place all risk of title problems on the new owner.