The special or limited warranty deed gives the grantee greater protection than a quitclaim deed and less protection than a full or general warranty deed. Warranty deeds are the safer option when buying property versus simply transferring ownership.Most buyers will want this option. A quit claim deed is a simpler and lower cost conveyance often used when a property transfers ownership without being sold. Unlike a warranty deed, which provides guarantees about the property's title, a quit claim deed makes no warranties or guarantees. A warranty deed and a quitclaim deed are two different types of real estate deeds that individuals use in property transactions based on their legality. A Minnesota warranty deed form is the opposite of a quitclaim deed in terms of warranty of title. Section 507.07 - WARRANTY AND QUITCLAIM DEEDS. Warranty and quitclaim deeds may be substantially in the following forms: WARRANTY DEED. A Minnesota limited warranty deed form splits the difference between a quitclaim deed and a warranty deed.