Missouri Deed of Trust Form. Use our Deed of Trust to create a contract in which a third-party holds property until a borrower pays back debt to the lender.Forms Legal will help you create your perfect quit claim deed form templates in Missouri. A Deed of Trust, also know as a mortgage, is a lien on property to ensure payment of the money due to a lender. This form must be attached to your motor vehicle registration application. Motor Vehicle Bureau. Some states may have special requirements when notarizing a document granting power of attorney. A Certification of Trust is a legal document that can be used to certify both the existence of a Trust, as well as to prove a Trustee's legal authority to act. A Certification of Trust is a legal document that can be used to certify both the existence of a Trust, as well as to prove a Trustee's legal authority to act. Speaking juts generally not knowing a thing about the tile to the property, it doesn't matter.