Designate a trustee to hold the land title. Which states are mortgage states and which are deed of trust states including a table showing this information for each state.Fill in the blank Deed of Trust and Promissory Note form formatted to comply with all Missouri recording and content requirements. A deed of trust is an agreement formed between a buyer of real estate, a lender financing the purchase, and a neutral third party called the trustee. By filling out this form, you are requesting that we prepare a deed transferring your real property to your living trust. Download a deed of trust form to record a relationship between a borrower, lender, and trustee to ensure a borrower repays a property loan. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. All you have to do is fill in the free printable templates and download your Missouri revocable living trust. We now need to transfer the house to my mom as successor trustee and have filled out the Affidavit of Death of Trustee form. He does business of out California, Kentucky, Florida, Nevada, etc.