We have compiled a list of recording resources where constituents may be able to find forms or receive guidance on selecting and completing documents to record. Arizona offers two ways to accomplish this: a quit claim deed or a warranty deed.Quitclaim Deeds, Beneficiary Deeds and Special Warranty Deeds. We prepare your deed, record it with the county recorder and pay the recording fee. A quitclaim deed transfers whatever ownership interest you have in the property. It makes no guarantees about the extent of your interest. What is the difference between a warranty and a quitclaim deed? One of the services offered at Arizona Statewide Paralegal is the filing of a quit claim deed or warranty deed in order to add someone to the title of a house. Arizona's quit claim deed transfers any interest the grantor holds in the property to the grantee. Example of a properly completed Arizona Warranty Deed document for reference.