The main difference between a grant deed vs. Warranty deed is the level of protection offered.While a general warranty deed protects the buyer against all possible title defects, a special warranty deed offers a bit less protection for the grantee. This article will compare two common types of deeds, the General Warranty Deed and the Special Warranty Deed. A warranty deed plays an integral role in sealing the deal in property transactions. Predominantly in Texas, this legal document safeguards the buyer's rights. A special warranty deed only guarantees that no new problems or encumbrances arose while the grantor owned the property. Most Texas property deeds have the same general requirements to complete the transfer of a deed from one person or entity to another. Grant deeds are considered better than quitclaim deeds , but less desirable than general warranty deeds . There are four major deeds in Texas: general warranty deeds, special warranty deeds, no warranty deeds, and quitclaims.