A warranty deed and a quit claim deed are both legal documents that can be used to transfer ownership of real property. If you have real estate in California that you want to convey or transfer to someone, you can use either a quitclaim deed or a warranty deed.It is the form of deed that conveys or releases any interest that the grantor may have acquired in real property. 18. A Special Warranty Deed is similar to a General Warranty Deed however it only contains two basic warranties: a. That the grantor received title. b. No Warranty: Unlike warranty deeds, quit claim deeds do not provide any guarantee about the property's title status. A warranty deed is a legal document that transfers ownership of a piece of real estate from a seller (grantor) to a buyer (grantee). The person who transfers the property is known as the "grantor" while the person who receives the interest is a "grantee. Warranty Deed: This protects the purchaser against all defects in the title and may cover certain specific promises of the seller. A Special Warranty Deed is similar to a General Warranty Deed however it only contains two basic warranties: a.