The Broward County Clerk of Court (Probate Division) is located in the Broward County Courthouse,. Family Court Records Request Form Downloads, Self Service Forms, E-Filing.Contact Information: Central Courthouse, Brenda D. Forman, Clerk of Court. If after reading the above information you are still uncertain regarding your eligibility for cause of death information, call our office (954) 467-4413. Sheriff Gregory Tony takes listeners inside BSO discussing the inner workings of the agency such as the Use of Force Review Board, important safety tips. Your elder law attorney will ask that you obtain a certified copy of the short-form death certificate or your elder care lawyer can help do this for you. Candidates for statewide office may appoint up to 15 deputy treasurers. Other candidates and political committees may appoint up to 3 deputy treasurers. Death in the family 4. Religious holiday 5.