Here however EGM is going to be held to appoint a person as a Director then form 32 be filed for appointment of director. In addition, a shareholder may propose a person for election as a director of the Company at a general meeting.This article covers how a director is appointed in a company, reasons for adding or changing directors and the documents required for director appointment. Guidance on appointing a director, providing corporate leaders with essential insights into the legal and procedural requirements. EGMs are often considered for emergency measures such as resolving an immediate legal matter or the removal of a key manager. Discover the essential steps for passing an EGM resolution for the appointment of a director under the Companies Act 2013. Please fill out this field. Investing. Investing. The details of the Proposed Directors proposed to be appointed at the EGM as set out in the. Before calling an EGM, the board of directors must finalise the agenda, including resolutions to be discussed during the meeting. A letter from the Board is set out on pages 3 to 6 of this circular.