(1) the shareholders may fill the vacancy;. (2) the board of directors may fill the vacancy; or.The selectmen shall fill such vacancy if such board fails to give said notice within the time herein specified. When there is a vacancy on an elected board or committee, the Select Board has an opportunity to fill that seat per Massachusetts General Law Ch. 41, §11. The procedure of appointing directors to fill the casual vacancy. Based on the type of position to be filled and the number of candidates, the process normally consists of the following steps: 1. Chapter 41 - Officers and Employees of Cities, Towns and Districts Section 11 - Appointment to Fill Vacancy in Town Office. If the vacancy occurs in the term of a BBA member, the BBA President shall forthwith appoint a new member to complete the unexpired term. This document is a resolution of a board or general meeting to fill a casual vacancy. This section gives the Board of directors the power to fill a casual vacancy in the Board.