An Act to provide for the incorporation, registration and operation of International Business Companies. The Companies Act, 2013, outlines the procedures and requirements for appointing directors to ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability in the process.A 'director,' according to Section 2(34) of the Companies Act of 2013, is a director appointed to a company's Board of Directors. This article provides a brief to the various classes of directors and their appointment. A 1981 special act lays out Nassau County's limits for liquor licenses. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete. Securities Act Section 4(a)(5). Investment Company Act Section 3(c). Dame Jane Morris Goodall DBE formerly Baroness Jane van Lawick-Goodall, is an English zoologist, primatologist and anthropologist. The Stuart Restoration was the reinstatement in May 1660 of the Stuart monarchy in England, Scotland, and Ireland.