A director elected or appointed to fill a vacancy shall be elected or appointed for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office. A director appointed to fill a vacancy occurring after the expiration of the term of a director shall serve until his or her successor is elected and qualified.23B.08.010. Requirement For and Duties of Board of Directors. 23B.08.020. Qualifications of Directors. 23B.08.030. Every school director must complete training on the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA), Public Records Act (PRA) and records retention within 90 days. Name your Washington corporation. Anyone who is otherwise eligible to serve as mayor, including current councilmembers, may be appointed to fill the vacancy. The board receives applications from qualified persons seeking to fill the position. Consider whether the Board will use an executive consultant to assist with the search and recruitment process. THIS FORM MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE APPLICATION PACKET - ATTACH YOUR CHECK TO THIS FORM.