This guide offers tips for writing acknowledgement letters to families for donations made in memory of a loved one. The purpose of this Administrative Instruction is to establish and clarify procedures regarding.Learn how to claim a charitable donation in taxes for a person who has died. In this post, I'm breaking down how to write a donation letter. The Alameda Police Department is organized into the Bureau of Field Services, the Bureau of Support Services, and the Bureau of Professional Standards. Part 3 of this form lets you express an intention to donate your bodily organs, tissues, and parts following your death. I have to share an email with all my staff members to saying thank you for donations and next giving the information about the received amount. Donor Conditions of Acceptance: In the case of gifts or donations, the donor's conditions may affect whether or not the gift will be accepted. Part 3 of this form lets you express an intention to donate your bodily organs, tissues, and parts following your death. Employees shall be eligible to participate in the Alameda County Voluntary Vision Plan.