GENERAL INFORMATION: Use this form to claim property tax exemptions pursuant to Tax Code Section 11.18 for property owned on Jan. Are pleased to inform you that upon review of your application for tax exempt status we have determined that you are exempt from Federal income tax.For other questions you may have, please contact the Office of the Tax Assessor-Collector at 210-335-2251 for personalized assistance. The donor will use this letter as proof of his or her donation to claim a tax deduction. The donor will use this letter as proof of his or her donation to claim a tax deduction. Provides home delivery for diaper assistance, incontinence assistance, period products, and other essential items in Bexar County. How to deduct your Goodwill donations on your taxes. Donations to this organization are tax deductible. Details. United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County has a long history of raising and allocating funds to strong, well-managed agencies and programs.