Here's a sample gift letter you can use to prove that the money is truly meant as an outright gift, with no expectation of repayment. The letter must explain who is gifting the money, where the donor's funds are coming from and the relationship between the donor and the recipient.A gift letter is a document certifying that your family member is giving you money to cover all or a portion of your down payment or closing costs. All care packages can be ordered through Access SecurePak for sending gift packages to your family or friends in the Bexar County Adult Detention Center. Use a Texas Gift Deed to give real estate to another person or an entity. Gifting real estate among spouses or family members is fairly common. You can use gifted funds to make a down payment, but your mortgage lender will want to know some details before they allow you to use it. If you use gifted funds toward your home purchase, your mortgage lender will need a gift letter to explain that the money is not a loan. Use our mortgage gift letter template and write yours. You cannot simply scratch out a name on a prior deed and write in the new name.