When someone gives you money to help you buy a house, your lender requires a gift letter, along with documents showing how the money changes hands. A gift letter for a mortgage shows your lender that you don't need to repay gift money toward your down payment.If borrowers plan to use gift money, they must request a gift letter from their lenders. A gift letter is a piece of legal, written correspondence explicitly stating that money received isn't expected to be repaid. A short letter like this sample gift letter will cover all of the requirements your lender needs. When using money as a gift for your down payment, you'll want a gift letter from the giver. It also proves the money is a nostrings present, not an additional debt the borrower is responsible for. At the mortgage office Clark was given a form entitled "Gift Letter" to sign. The scammer also might stay on the phone with you while you go to the store and load money onto the card. If this happens to you, hang up.