Each donor receipt should include the name of the charity and name of the donor. Generally, you may deduct up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income, but 20 percent and 30 percent limitations apply in some cases.Keep a record of any items you donate to a charity. Publication 526 explains how to claim a deduction for charitable contributions. Here are some handy IRS tips for deducting charitable donations. When you bring items to one of our donation locations, you may fill out a paper donation form. As mentioned above, to claim a charitable donation, you need to itemize your deductions using Form 1040, Schedule A as part of your tax preparation. Donors can give cash, securities, or other assets to a DAF and qualify for a charitable contribution income tax deduction. When you bring items to one of our donation locations, you may fill out a paper donation form. By supporting access to adequate and proper nutrition, our foundation enables youth to be their best in the classroom, in sport, and in their daily lives.