Prior to formal acceptance of any gift, the individual representing Collin. The letter must explain who is gifting the money, where the donor's funds are coming from and the relationship between the donor and the recipient.Main information page for students concerning FERPA, tuition, 1098-T, make a payment, payment plans, payment deadlines and refunds. How much money do you need to receive before a gift letter is necessary? Enclosed amount: Please select payment method: How would you like your name listed in recognition? Please return completed form to. A gift letter is a piece of legal, written correspondence explicitly stating that money received isn't expected to be repaid. Withdrawal deadlines are listed in the 2024-2025 Academic. A transfer on death deed (TODD) is a legal document that allows a person to transfer ownership of their property after they die. Most lenders will be ok with the 10 day gap between withdrawal and deposit of gift.