Charitable contributions are generally taxdeductible if you itemize. Generally, you may deduct up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income, but 20 percent and 30 percent limitations apply in some cases.If you itemize, you can deduct a part of your medical and dental expenses, and amounts you paid for certain taxes, interest, contributions, and other expenses. We've created this stepbystep guide on everything you need to know about creating a donation receipt letter for tax purposes. This can trigger gift tax for the donor. But it would allow the sick person, or her family, to claim the medical expense deduction. A copy of the IRS Letter of Determination showing 501(c)(3) status. 5. A copy of agency's current operating budget and year-to-date financial statement. Include the nonprofit's EIN so the the donor can to check the charity's tax-exempt status with the IRS. Greet the recipient formally and personally to start.