I would say "no gifts please" and leave it at that so you don't get a ton of toys but don't ask for cash or gift cards. The planned giving program at St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County offers an opportunity for people of good will to leave an impact in their communities.My brother and I are giving her a largerthannormal for our family chunk of cash for her birthday. (package you received)This includes a `` Happy Birthday Day '' saving box, a ``birthday cake with candle'' card, a roll of self-adhesive tape and 30 plastic bags. "My main message is that we all — the industry and the county — want to do this. California mainly uses two types of deeds: the "grant deed" and the "quitclaim deed. Help us fill our Gratitude Tree! The "gift" in the title refers to the valuable feedback complaints provide. No Fair Political Practices Commission form 801 submission have been filed in the past 30 days.