The invoice summary may not include PII, and should include: invoice number. To advise the Food Bank of your stock donation and enable us to issue an appropriate receipt, please complete the following form.Donation forms can be obtained from the CCRMC Gift Shop. All monetary donations should be reflected on the form in addition to purchased and handmade items. When filling out the template, you should indicate the donation date, your nonprofit organization's name, and the donation amount. Please write your name legibly, sign the form and enter your employee number. When you donate to Meals on Wheels, your contribution subsidizes nutritious meals for over 2,600 homebound seniors in Contra Costa County each day. A. Detailed Invoice: You should forward to Accounts Payable a dated invoice. A. Detailed Invoice: You should forward to Accounts Payable a dated invoice. To protect your privacy, your bank will not disclose that you have made a stock donation.