Lenders generally provide a boilerplate mortgage gift letter template for you to use. Below is a typical gift letter template you can share with donors.A short letter like this sample gift letter will cover all of the requirements your lender needs. Here's a sample gift letter you can use to prove that the money is truly meant as an outright gift, with no expectation of repayment. Real Estate Services Forms. Note: These documents must be prepared in accordance with ORC 317.114 - Standard format of instruments to be recorded. We'll also show you how to write a gift letter with a gift letter template so you can help your donor prepare for underwriting. To gift your used car in the state of Ohio, the car needs to be yours outright with no outstanding loan on it. A gift letter is a document certifying that your family member is giving you money to cover all or a portion of your down payment or closing costs. Organizations not yet registered in the grants gateway portal should plan to complete registration at least two weeks in advance of any deadline.